Tag Archives: love animals

Street animals suffer greatly . But other animals suffer disrespectful and irresponsible people .

Street animals suffer greatly . But other animals suffer disrespectful and irresponsible people .

Street animals suffer greatly . But other animals suffer disrespectful and irresponsible people .
This week was a lot going on here again . Dogs were suspended without respect and responsibility that a person should have . The animals were for food , mostly in the dustbin.
A dog ran even on the road , although here drove cars . But the driver did not even honk . Not a peep was thrown to the dog. Whether he is moved together or not, not many interested .
On the contrary . Often, gas is not given , so that one can approach the animal.
And then it will be left severely injured.
Not only dogs are treated , but also cats. Whether animals are starving or injured , many interested people do not. Just walk past or drive past .
Rather look away. One could need help . This is very sad , I think.
We all try to help poor animals , whether with food or veterinary help.
Our income is too small, but we do not look away .
Animals have as much a right to live as we do.
With respect, responsibility and help, you should act that way.
Also we came past a house . The people have moved away , because of the crisis and have left many cats d . The cats were food because they were so used .
We fed her and veterinary care , so there is less population.
Many people go through the crisis here in Spain away because they need to support their families or because it is better somewhere else to live.
And animals are a burden. Find these people .
Too bad and irresponsible is that. You could see at least that the animals are well taken , instead of letting them on the road.
These people are playing with the lives of animals.
We can not be called good. You should do more for animals legally .
Although it is done a lot, but it’s too little .
It is indeed done much of animal rights activists , but this can not be everywhere .
We thank you on behalf of the animals and for your interest and for your time you have sacrificed to purely see here .
If you want to support us so that we can continue to help the street animals 

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This saves a lot of costs to charges .

If you have questions or want to contact us:
Here is our E-mail address:



Animals are very grateful for any help , be it food or medical help. There are many animals that need a special diet or medical help because they have suffered greatly and were neglected by the people.

Thank you very much for your support, on behalf of the animals and also by us.

Street animals are before Easter

Street animals are before Easter

Street animals are before Easter
Always affected this is always the same everybody
Year. Too only one wants to have an animal now I find
One should already carry respect and responsibility for his animal.
If one should wants to drive in the vacation one costs also For this the animal carrying.
Also there are many possibilities, example good friends
or good animal pensions one can see himself before in whether kind is traded fair.
And well it is provided.
Each of the animals Loving his animal never gives.
Our motto.
We always try to help where it goes for the street animals.
We always need feed and drugs
for Schnuffel and velvet paws
for dogs and cats.
If you Want to help, street animals are very grateful for you skill by Zooplus.de ordering
and if you want to write to us, however, before in please here ours E mail address
Then you get the data what you need.
Is it for Zooplus.de or something else.
The street animals need our help,
one cannot look away simply about that there.
We thank for theirs you has taken up purely to see.
And to help maybe to us, to thanks nicely very much also in names of the street animals

They can also make a donation by Pay Pal to thanks very much every help Can help very much

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They are able to do also by PayPal helping to the animals
to the nemayer@web.de saving costs only if you want
Please, write to us also theirs E mail address
So that we can thank and you mention what with it has happened.
Many thanks beforehand appreciate it very much


pity the Jager have no respect in front of hunting dogs Spain

Too bad the hunter
have no respect for the hunting dog over
Here in Spain, many hunters
very disrespectful
You have a lot of hunting dogs
if one of them does not want to hunt,
is cruelly treated.
We have many such experiences with
own eyes witnessed.
It should make you stronger conditionalities.
The dogs should be properly should stares regulations.
With chip and especially an identification card
where is also reported in the communities
so you can pull the hunter accountable
and semi-annual checks whether as the hunting dogs
be held.
Often, you are held in a house in
Pathetic to stand.
Without light and heat
and eat less
If you did that to the people
Then would be the devil to pay
  I think the man should have respect for animals.
And walk carefully around.
My motto never hurt an animal
have just one heart and
Feelings like us.

Please write me your opinion
we will open our website about
. Write
thank you

What I do not understand why are people so?

This poor old dog must be on the road of life,
The owners do not give a damn about what you are going.
You have to just to get a boy and continued to sell
She takes care of the diseases, the owner does not prevent eye and
It hurts so much to see and what people always walk past and do not bother
I will do my best times and the owners say the duly consider
and will do so.
Animals need us and if so what should not you look away I think.
You have a right to respect life and to become
not as an object-to be treated and if you no longer need on the road,
The so what should I find in sponges
Two for the Money with animals is a disgrace, and has nothing to do with love.
But heartless and disrespectful towards animals.
If everyone would make sure it would be somewhat easier for animals everywhere and it does not give so much suffering.


Do you love animals?

  How would you react in this case?
A little sweet star, in an old house, all alone among the garbage.
He has some fear of humans,
And he is hungry and thirsty.
Would you not try to feed him?
Or help him?
It is as if one is an animal lover then you always think and act right in the heart.
And if you own very little they do not care.
I am of the opinion that animals should live on the street, give a chance
I want to thank me for the love people who support us with donations and food
I do not know how else I could do anything, surely I’m also working a lot and give it to vet and food costs and and.
Thank you very, very on behalf of the animals to you. Please help us keep it up, animals are very grateful



Today I was on the road again

I’ve taken a break in a bar
to care for stray animals, as it was very stressful but still like to do.
There was a young man Frank had one bitch Jessy is totally fixated on him.
I’ve talked with Him, He told me Jessy allowed everywhere.
Drive a car you can sit forward, his girlfriend back.
If you’re both in bed and his girlfriend is going to clean Jessy and cuddles with him
Frank gets up and if you go anywhere on seismic and after toilet.
I had to smile from the heart
Well if that is not love.
I am glad to tell you also something else.
Here in Spain there are people so often treat as Frank, the animals with respect and esteem
I experience a lot here and can tell a lot.
Sometimes I wonder why people can be so cruel to animals
and sometimes I’m glad to see something like that and I am reassured when someone so full of love goes with his pet, instead of on the street and suffer.
Jessy is the way children love and enjoy people


Dogs can also be sick.

Coughing, sneezing, hoarseness
Especially those dogs that move little in the fresh air and then immediately return to a warm cup next to the stove, are prone to colds. Resilience timely, fresh air and not too warm place are the best prevention. If the dog still shows signs of a cold:

Thyme is a tried and tested recipe in order to soothe the mucous membranes. The gentle method of inhalation: A tablespoon of thyme, perhaps with a little salt is boiled in hot water. This brew is put on a little stove, so that the steam can slowly spread throughout the room. At the same time increases the humidity in the room, suppresses a cough with dry cough and helps the mucus in the bronchi. Who does not appreciate the smell of thyme can also use chamomile.

Sage and chamomile tea tastes the dog and also soothes the mucous membranes: Simply type in place of water in the bowl – course, not boiling hot, but at room temperature. If a dog does not drink so you can add a spoonful of honey.

Dampening cough syrup for dry cough with fennel honey, warm milk and gruel. The food should be pureed, so that the dog eats voluntarily in spite of sore throat.

Pharyngitis and tonsillitis
The throat and tonsils are the portal, enter the pathogen into the body. They are therefore also affected first. Common cause in the winter, the snow ball, which the dog is sent after the caudicle instead.

Gruel made of oatmeal or rice, cover the inflamed mucosa and protect it from further irritation. In addition, flax seed, marshmallow root, or Iceland moss is cooked. However, this rarely meets the taste of the dog.

A thick scarf as a scarf will also help the dog. Warm, moist compresses help the healing. The simplest is the envelope potato: boiled potato in a bag or sock filled and placed around the neck as hot as possible. About this pack puts you a warm scarf and can affect the heat up to half an hour.

Eye inflammation
It occurs especially when the snow melts and the dusty grit. Also, cold drafts triggers inflammation: the dog who travels with the window open car or perhaps even beyond holding the head. Conjunctivitis are also side effects of colds.

A first means: The eyes are cleaned regularly with a cotton ball gently. Instead of pure water you can use 2% boric acid or fennel tea. Chamomile tea is less suitable because it leads to hair loss around the eyes.

Stomach and intestinal upset
Snow to eat or lick salt from the snow with their paws may cause stomach upsets and diarrhea have. This is a fundamentally sensible measure that puts the dog’s body to incompatible materials as quickly as possible to be rid of.

The first step: let starve, so that completely empty stomach and intestine. Against the loss of liquid black, unsweetened tea is given.

If any serious improvement is helping gruel. Especially tasty and nutritious: overcooked in a mild chicken broth a little rice or oatmeal. Who wants to calm the stomach can also season it with cumin or fennel. The dog should get distributed small portions throughout the day.

The diet can be supported by constipating agents in diarrhea: Rhabarbasaft, grated apples. Who are animal charcoal, it should not dissolve in tea, because that reduces the effectiveness.

Relieves pain and cramps seem warm compresses.

Age-related joint pain
As in humans are also in the dog joint pain in cold weather especially painful. The dog owners can ill with poultices directly to the pain points and relieve the muscle moist warm compresses slightly.

An alternative to heating pads are linen bag, filled with cherry stones or flaxseed. You are warmed in the oven, heat the store very long time and bring the heat next to a light massage effect.

Special care is the feed preparation: Something slightly softer stool than constipation, aching back muscles as well as preparing the daily business problems.

Cracked noses and paws
Frequent changes of temperature and humidity can also lead to cracked skin on nose and paws like warm and dry air.

Ointments and oils protect the skin and to help the healing. Cod liver oil, boric acid ointment, glycerin, chamomile and calendula ointment to help. However, straight nose and paws are those regions that will lick the dog as quickly as possible. This helps only distraction: smear and immediately play, run around, go for a walk.

The ingredients
Who wants to alleviate illnesses with herbs, must pay attention to the quality of the ingredients. The thyme or fennel from the spice rack at the supermarket tastes though, but it has lost on his way there already a lot of its healing power. Good quality you can get in health food stores, pharmacies and herbs. The filled with cherry stones Sackerl are also available in health food stores.

And if all this does not help
should be fast to the vet
so you do not make things worse


Anyone who has seen with his dog before?

Dogs can really laugh
Anyone who has seen with his dog before?
The dog often laughs when he feels comfortable. He laughs, but even if he is in playful mood.
You must then once they see his lips are then pulled far back and clear up.
The ears are different then they are then applied to the rear. If the dog will also show his tongue as he opens his mouth slightly, we can see that the corners of his mouth turn up even more.
Who is the ever notice?

To Err is Human too








When I parked the car park at the supermarket with my husband and a dog next to our car,
Stood and looked at me as if he’d never get something to eat,
my husband has said the hunger of the poor give Him something. I’ve got a can of pure, and you’ve done to him and given.
From that in a house that was over I looked puzzled, the owner came and said why you feed my dog, I because he looked so Starved.
He laughed and said that he always does.
We beheld Him even after walking on the street where restaurants are, and as he did the same.
We laughed, because animals are not stupid, but very smart.
So what happened to me never,
We’ve been doing this for many years to help feed and stray animals, but such things can happen to anyone and also by the heart.
We experienced a lot of sad but also beautiful, safe street animals have a very hard and often at night.